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bigstock Resume Writing Green Blue Circ 110227232 scaled

Job seekers who are over 60 quite often have a difficult time. Employers tend to look at them as too old to be as useful as a younger employee. They don’t realize that this age group has a lot to offer any employer. Looking for a full time or part-time job at this age require a special type of resume.

  • Contact details. Most employers will initially want to contact you by email so make sure you have a professional email address set up. This should be an address with your name, not a silly nickname. Leave out anything that will indicate your age, such as a number which is also the year you were born. Use an email service such as Gmail. It has lots of options including folders you can use for different employees as well as a set up for an email signature. This should impress potential employees since it looks professional.
  • Stay recent. Employers don’t need to know what you were doing when you were 16. Include your most recent positions and go into detail on your responsibilities. Gear each resume and cover letter toward the position you are applying for. In which tasks at your last job were you especially proficient? How do they make you the most suitable candidate for this new position?
  • How to list your education. Most employers will want to know which schools you attended and which degrees you have. You can do this without listing the years you attended. Specify how each course or degree helped you in your last position and how it could help you in a new job.







Don’t feel that just because you are a ‘tad’ older than other job seekers that you don’t deserve the position you are applying for. Concentrate on the knowledge you can bring that a younger person wouldn’t have. To read more on resume tips for job seekers over 60, click here.