Got aging parents at home?
As we age there are inevitable changes. For some of us those changes aren’t as readily apparent. For others, adapting to change can be more difficult. There can also be health changes and decline as we age. For many...
When people go on a holiday, usually no one is living in the house. When people sell a home and move out, there is both no people and no contents in the house. If a house is going to be...
Seniors, as well as the disabled, use assistance dogs. They can help with mobility and daily tasks. With the help of assistance dogs, seniors can remain independent longer. International Dog Assistance Week, celebrated from August 6th to the 12th...
A couple of years ago I was working on community-wide disaster preparedness and wrote an article after reading about the impact of a fire on the elderly and disabled.  Little did I know I would experience my own functional limitations, while...
2019 02 01 1

Managing Medications

From sorting pills, chasing refills, obtaining coverage, and taking prescribed doses on time, managing medications within retail pharmacy settings is a lot of work. For the two-thirds of Canadian seniors taking five or more different prescriptions, accessing and managing medications can be...
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” -Benjamin Franklin             With the recent devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey in Southern Texas, the wildfires in the Midwestern United States and California, and impending Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 storm predicted...
Winter would seem to pose more of a risk for senior falls. Depending upon your location, you may be dealing with sleet, rain, ice or snow. Some new research shows that most falls take place during the warmer months....
At first, Teresa Jensen ignored the robocall phone messages: “We just suspended your Social Security number because we found some suspicious activity,” it said. But with repeated warnings over the course of a day, she decided to call the...
Protecting your accounts online is a must in this day and age. Having only a password to login to your accounts isn’t enough anymore with all the hackers trying to steal your identification.  You need to have a two-factor...
While the internet promises us an easier alternative to access services, content, and products, we should remember that its downsides are equally monumental. Acknowledging this will help us appreciate the need for adopting practices that will ensure we remain...