SLM Talks to Teddy Bears Helping Seniors scaled
SLM Talks to Teddy Bears Helping Seniors scaled

Next time you are thinking about buying a gift for a needy child, don’t forget about some needy seniors, too. Or lonely seniors. They are everywhere around the world just like needy children. Like needy children, they aren’t demanding and wanting glamourous gifts….they just want some love and attention.  Everyone loves a hug especially when it involves a teddy bear! So think about how you can help seniors today.

If you are getting organized and come across some ‘stuffies’ go ahead and donate to women’s shelters, Children Aid’s and Child Protective Service agencies but don’t forget about senior homes as well.

We don’t want to take away from the need of children especially this time of year, however we encourage everyone to think about what they can do to put a smile on a child AND a senior’s face. Both deserve it so very much.

The art of playing is creativity at its best for children and seniors. It is important to keep the mind active to prevent and treat many things, including aging.

Those with dementia and Alzheimer’s, often talk about babies and teddy bears because it gives them a sense of nurturing which most seniors love. Or maybe it takes them back to their childhood. Does it matter why? I don’t think so. At the end of the day teddy bears put a smile on most faces!

We have talked about ‘memory rooms’ for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, wouldn’t it be great if they had teddy bears for the patients to love and snuggle in those rooms? Or if they are without such a concept, able to relate to the younger generation through play and teddy bears. I think that would be so amazing!

At the end of the day, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who didn’t have or always want a teddy bear. And that is a wish that is timeless and not age specific. Teddy bears make us feel loved and provide needed snuggles.

See the original inspiring article about teddy bears for seniors and let us know what you think. We love to hear from our readers.