Got aging parents at home?
As we age there are inevitable changes. For some of us those changes aren’t as readily apparent. For others, adapting to change can be more difficult. There can also be health changes and decline as we age. For many...
Thanksgiving is a time when relatives and friends get together and give thanks. It is a traditional holiday to celebrate the end of the harvest. Many seniors look forward to this time as a day they can spend with...
Children are often stuck in the middle if one of your adult children gets a divorce. For grandparents, this time can also be a minefield as you are trying not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Your grandchildren may reach out...
Parents are the most important people in a young child’s life. When they're little, their whole world centers around you. As they grow older and especially once they enter their teenage years, respect for their parents becomes a little...
August is the month to celebrate your legacy. Your legacy is what you are remembered for or what you have left behind that is important to someone or has influenced others. During this month you can think about your...
As a kid, I used to go on road trips with my grandparents. My grandpa had a green 1994 Ford Explorer. It was rusty from the salt water and sand that it picked up driving to and from Coronado...
Independence Day, better known as the 4th of July, is a huge holiday in the US. There are many celebrations going on around the country, from parades to fireworks.  Independence Day commemorates the adopting of the Declaration of Independence...
Father’s Day might have come and gone, but every day is the day dad should think about enhancing the health of every member of the family. This is especially true when the time comes to take a family vacation,...
Of the more than 2 million Americans who are over 90 approximately 7 percent have lost a child since 50. The number of seniors is growing every year. This means that each year more seniors will have to live...
Scrapbooking after losing a loved one can be an emotional and challenging experience. It can also be therapeutic, helping us to grieve and heal after the loss, while keeping the memory of our loved one alive for us and...