Got aging parents at home?

Health & Well-Being

Health and wellness…..good health and healthy living all lead to wellness.
They go hand in hand don’t you think?
What does health and wellness mean to you?
The very thought of health and wellness can be very overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be.
It should be fun inspiring and very rewarding.

As our loved ones age, at some point many of them can no longer live on their own. It's never too early to start planning for how a senior member of your family will live when they are unable...
It is still amazing that so many people are affected by dementia in North America and around the world. The hardships that both the patient and family endure are heart breaking. Most people want to stay at home as...
Many seniors love to garden and it is an excellent way for them to stay flexible and healthy. After an illness or surgery, regular gardening may not be possible. Making your gardens accessible at all times can boost your...
Seniors are well known for helping others by volunteering. In some communities seniors will help their local police force with a variety of activities. It's been found that having seniors interact with members of the community about law enforcement...
As we go through life and look at the different generations, it is interesting to see how technology has evolved. Especially when it comes to safety. Safety is important to both seniors and their families. For many, it is a...
Medication and sunny days. The two may not always mix well. Sunlight may cause certain medications to work differently and some of those medications may cause the sun to have adverse affects on your body. Which medications are the worst...
If you are looking to explore the beautiful country of Canada, we have compiled our favorite spots to add to your bucket list for travel this summer! There are some spectacular Canadian destinations that seniors will love to see...
In Canada, it's tax time and there are many tax deductions and credits for seniors that they may not be aware of. Seniors citizens are eligible for a wide range of benefits. When these are combined with other credits,...
April is Daffodil Month. The daffodil is a symbol of courage and strength in the fight against cancer. This year the Canadian Cancer Society is celebrating its 60th anniversary of Daffodil Month and raising money for cancer research. It...
For those of us with high blood pressure, (140/90 or higher), medication and extreme lifestyle changes are necessary immediately. But many of us have pre-hypertension and are still at a stage where smaller lifestyle changes can make a big...